AIDS Action Europe regional training on affordability and pricing of medications AIDS Action Europe is happy to launch the call for trainee applications for its regional training for the Baltic States on affordability and pricing of medications taking place. Lasīt vairāk ... |
Lasīt vairāk ... |
«We learned that in Latvia government support for harm reduction programs was not systemic either. City officials may simply ban syringe exchange, as it has happened in Ventspils; or, as in Jurmala, they may refuse to recognize the problem of drug use to avoid scaring tourists away from the major resort.» Lasīt vairāk ... |
Expressed greetings to AGIHAS for Exemplary Contribution to Health and Well-Being AmCham, together with the United States Embassy in Latvia and Civic Alliance of Latvia, organized the Human Development Award program for the third consecutive year to honor inspirational people, businesses and organizations. The purpose of the award is to promote human development, prosperity, and the well-being of Latvia's people. Lasīt vairāk ... |
Lasīt vairāk ... |
Pan-European Networks of communities of people living with and affected by HIV, doctors and scientists call upon the Government of the Czech Republic to immediately stop the Prague Public Health Authority's persecution and intimidation of people living with HIV, and to return to evidence-based and proven practices in HIV prevention, testing and care in the Czech Republic. Lasīt vairāk ... |
International meeting on 26 - 29 May, 2016 The NGO AGIHAS a support group for people living with HIV and AIDS, and the Baltic HIV Association, as well as the Association of LGBT people and their friends Mozaika, with ViiV Healthcares financial support are jointly organising a major project Coalition for Change, which will take place over (the next) two years. Lasīt vairāk ... |
Lasīt vairāk ... |
Chair of the Steering Committee of AIDS Action Europe Anke van Dam sent a letter to the Latvian Cabinet of Ministers to express the concerns of AIDS Action Europe regarding the ongoing policies and the lack of political will in the response to HIV and AIDS in Latvia. With this letter, AIDS Action Europe joins and expresses support of the call of Latvian Civil Society Groups to follow international guidelines on treatment and prevention. Lasīt vairāk ... |
AIDS Action Europe: "We do already have a pretty good idea of the issues we will focus on during the next SC meeting which will take place in Riga in April 2015. One of the highlights of the meeting will be the possibility to meet some of the Latvian authorities and institutions and discuss HIV related issues with them. We are looking forward to this important event which will take place during the Latvian Presidency Semester." Lasīt vairāk ... |
I am writing to you to bring to your attention the alarming rates of tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) in the European Region and to request that you take action on this issue at the upcoming 1st Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting on Tuberculosis organised by the Latvian government on 31st March in Riga, Latvia. Lasīt vairāk ... |
Conference on tuberculosis in Riga 1st Eastern Partnership Ministerial Conference on Tuberculosis and Its Multi- Drug Resistance (MDR), Riga, Latvia, March 30 - 31, 2015 (National Library of Latvia, Ziedoņa hall) Lasīt vairāk ... |
Local conditions may drive viral evolution in opposite directions HIV has become more virulent over time, not less, European study finds. Local conditions may drive viral evolution in opposite directions. Gus Cairns: "In other words, both studies could be right: HIV could currently be weakening in one part of the world, while becoming stronger in another." Lasīt vairāk ... |
Research suggests ability of HIV to cause AIDS is slowing It is widely believed that epidemics in new hosts diminish in virulence over time, with natural selection favoring pathogens that cause minimal disease. Lasīt vairāk ... |
Anniversary of the radical advocacy October 12 marks the 10th anniversary of the direct action taken by the Russian activist group, "FrontAIDS". At that time, less than 1200 HIV-positive people in Russia were receiving ARV-s. Within a year of their series of actions (and also actions by other civil society leaders) the Russian government finally started to purchase ARV drugs. Its an important part of our regions history. Lasīt vairāk ... |
FDA approves "Harvoni". Gilead said its price will be $94,500 for a 12-week course of treatment Hepatitis С is contagious disease with known and extensive medical risks, but given Gileads choice to price these treatments so irresponsibly high, it makes it impossible to treat everyone who could benefit. Lasīt vairāk ... |
The number of people living with HIV and hepatitis is on the rise in Europe There is an urgent need to change our strategy for testing for HIV and hepatitis in Europe. The number of people infected is increasing and many are still not aware that they are infected. The problem is greatest in Southern and Eastern Europe, but it is also an increasing problem in other European countries, and new testing strategies are therefore required. Late diagnosis means a higher mortality rate, greater risk of onward transmission and increased financial costs. Lasīt vairāk ... |
European HIV testing week 2014 and AHF grant From 21 to 28 November, the 2-nd European HIV Testing week is planned to take place. AHF Europe invites creative proposals that promote Community Based rapid HIV testing during European Testing Week. Lasīt vairāk ... |
Everyone loves a happy ending. After 33 years of a terrible epidemic, looking forward into the distance and glimpsing the end of the disease, an AIDS-free future is like seeing water on the horizon after a long, hard walk through the sands of a desert. We want it so desperately, so acutely, we can taste it. Lasīt vairāk ... |
Australia against Sovaldi price Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee rejected the submission for Highly Specialised Drugs Program listing for sofosbuvir for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C on the basis of unacceptably high and likely underestimated cost-effectiveness and the high and likely underestimated budgetary impact on the Public health. Lasīt vairāk ... |
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