ECDC ekspertu vizīte
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Tēmas, kas tiks izskatītas 2. septembrī:
-Description of the surveillance system and key epidemiological trends for HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B and C, overall and within key populations;
-Health systems and services, with a focus on HIV and hepatitis overview and recent changes;
-Harm reduction services, HIV and hepatitis testing policies and practices: access, costs, community based testing, challenges;
-Priorities for action for Hepatitis B and C;
-HIV treatment and care, including treatment guidelines, access to ART and coverage;
-Overview of Latvian response to HIV/AIDS (Dublin response 2014);
-Support services for PLWHA, Key NGO actors to present their programmes/services/challenges;
-Mission team meeting with civil society.
(Veselības ministrijas informācija)