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Farmācijas gigants Johnson&Johnson gatavojas jau šajā gadā Amerikā un Eiropā testēt eksperimentālo vakcīnu pret HIV. J&J eksperimentālā vakcīna darbojas kā profilaktiska vakcīna, kas mērķēta uz HIV vīrusa dažādiem štammiem.
Kompānijas Johnson&Johnson lēmums tika publiskots uz ASV prezidenta Donalda Trampa solījumiem līdz 2030. gadam pielikt punktu HIV epidēmijai. 2019. gada martā J&J kopā ar GlaxoSmithKline iepazīstināja ar pētījumu rezultātiem, saskaņā ar kuriem vakcinācija pret HIV var būt tikpat efektīva kā standarta preparāti cīņai ar HIV.
Kompānijas Gilead Sciences un Lyndra Therapeutics apvienojušās, lai izstrādātu ļoti ilgstošas iedarbības perorālos preparātus pret HIV. Zināms, ka Gilead iegūs ekskluzīvas tiesības uz sava partnera ilgstošas iedarbības zāļu formām, kas ļauj pacientam dzert zāles reizi nedēļā vai pat retāk.
Kompānijas Lyndra perorālai lietošanai paredzētā zāļu forma nodrošina vienas vai vairāku ārstniecisko vielu vienmērīgu izdalīšanos cilvēka organismā vienā nedēļā vai ilgākā laikā. Zāles ievietotas kapsulā, kurā atrodas preparāts zvaigznes formā. Zvaigznes seši stari pagriežas pacienta kuņģī un lēnām izdala zāles ilgstošā laika periodā. Pēc tam zāļu paliekas nekaitīgā veidā tiek izvadītas caur zarnu traktu kā nepārstrādāts ēdiens.
Source: CNBC | «Johnson & Johnson to test HIV vaccine in US and Europe» | |
Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson is set to test an experimental HIV vaccine in the U.S. and Europe sometime this year, the company confirmed with CNBC.
The experimental J&J vaccine is a mosaic-based preventative immunization that targets various strains of the HIV virus.
The company is also conducting a phase 2 clinical trial for the vaccine in Africa, in which 2,600 women in five southern African countries will be immunized. Initial results from that trial are expected by 2021, J&J said.
The J&J trial comes amid President Donald Trumps pledge to end the HIV epidemic in the United States by 2030, a goal which public health advocates have cheered and have sought for years. Pharmaceutical giant Gilead Sciences, which dominates the $26 billion-a-year HIV drug market, reached an agreement with the Trump administration to donate medications that reduce the risk of HIV transmission for up to 200,000 people a year until 2025.
In late April, J&J and GlaxoSmithKline majority-owned ViiV Healthcare filed a new drug application with the FDA for its once-a-month injection treatment for HIV. In March, the two companies posted late-stage data that showed the shot was as effective as standard daily pills for controlling HIV.
Bloomberg first reported the companys plan to conduct a clinical trial in the U.S. and Europe.
Source: BIOSPACE | «Gilead and Lyndra Team Up to Develop Long-Acting HIV Therapies» | |
<... Lyndra Therapeutics and Gilead Sciences have entered a partnership collaboration to develop and market ultra-long-acting oral HIV therapies. Gilead will pick up exclusive rights to Lyndras long-acting drug platform.
Lyndra, based in Watertown, Massachusetts, focuses on reformulating oral medication so they can be taken less often. The companys technology revolves around a capsule holding a star-shaped structure. The six arms of the star unfold inside the patients stomach and slowly releases the drug over an extended period of time. The star remains in the stomach until all the arms break off and then is expelled from the body.
Gilead is a leader in HIV medications. This partnership comes only months after Gilead invested in Lyndras oversubscribed $60.9 million Series B financing round. ...>