Biedrība "Apvienība HIV.LV" (ik dienu pl. 9 - 21)


Kalifornijā - bez receptes
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Kalifornijas štatā (ASV) pieņemts likums, saskaņā ar kuru zāles HIV profilaksei būs pieejamas bez maksas. Tas ļauj farmaceitiem pārdot medikamentus PrEP (profilaksei pirms dzimumakta) un PEP (profilaksei pēc dzimumakta) visiem, kas vēlas. PrEP lietojot katru dienu, var aptuveni par 99% samazināt inficēšanās risku ar HIV seksa laikā, bet PEP paredzēts ārkārtas situācijām, un to jāsāk lietot 72 stundu laikā pēc seksuālā kontakta ar iespējamo HIV nēsātāju. Jaunais likums paredz, ka farmaceitiem ir jāpaskaidro, kā jālieto zāles un kādas var būt blaknes. Tāpat tas aizliedz apdrošināšanas kompānijām pieprasīt no saviem klientiem, lai tie pirms zāļu iegādes saņemtu iepriekšēju atļauju. Štata gubernators Gevins Ņūsoms (Gavin Newsom) paziņojis, ka “nesenie sasniegumi HIV profilakses un ārstēšanas jomā var izglābt cilvēku dzīvību. Visiem kaliforniešiem ir jābūt pieejamiem PrEP un PEP, divām ārstēšanas metodēm, kas mainījušas mūsu cīņu ar HIV un AIDS un pietuvina mūs galīgai uzvarai”. 
Source: The Guardian | «California becomes first state to allow HIV prevention pills without prescription» | | Pharmacists will be authorized to dispense PrEP and PEP without doctor’s note under new legislation |
<... Pharmacists in California will be able to dispense HIV prevention pills to patients without a doctor’s prescription after the state’s governor signed legislation that supporters say will greatly reduce the spread of infection.
Advocates of Senate Bill 159 say California is the first state to authorize pre-exposure prophylaxis, also called PrEP, and post-exposure prophylaxis, known as PEP, without prescriptions. California is already considered a leader in Aids prevention, they say.
PrEP is a once-daily pill for HIV-negative people while PEP is a medication that people take to prevent the virus from taking hold. Supporters say PEP significantly reduces the risk of infection, but only if started within 72 hours of exposure to the virus. Not everyone can get to a doctor in that time frame, says Rick Zbur, executive director of Equality California.
“The ability to go into a pharmacy to avail themselves of the medication is a huge improvement to removing a barrier,” he said.
He says the law will greatly improve access and help reduce the stigma around the drugs, especially in rural areas and among minorities.
Nearly 30,000 people in California use PrEP and 6,000 use PEP, according to the California Health Benefits Review Program, which provides analysis to the legislature.
The California Medical Association was initially opposed to the legislation but became neutral on it after it was amended to limit the number of PrEP pills patients can get without a physician’s note to 60 days, said Anthony York, spokesman for the association. ...>


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