Biedrība "Apvienība HIV.LV" (ik dienu pl. 9 - 21)


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Filipīnu prezidents Rodrigo Duterte saviem pilsoņiem ieteicis neizmantot prezervatīvus, bet valstī tajā laikā pieaug saslimstība ar HIV. Duterte uzskata, kas sekss, izmantojot barjeras kontracepciju, "nesniedz baudu". Viņš vilka paralēles ar konfekšu ēšanu: "Lūk, pamēģiniet to apēst, neiztinot no papīra. Tieši tāpat ir ar prezervatīviem."
Valstī ar 100 miljoniem iedzīvotāju HIV infekcijas izplatība nav lielas – inficēti ir 60 tūkstoši cilvēku. Barjeras kontracepcijas izmantošana vēsturiski neatbalsta katoliskā baznīca, kurai piederīgi ir vairāk nekā 80% filipīniešu. Tomēr 2012. gadā Filipīnu Veselības aizsardzības ministrija veica dažu likumu reformu un aicināja pievērsties ģimenes plānošanai un aizsargātam seksam. To darīja, lai samazinātu pusaudžu grūtniecības augstos rādītājus valstī. 
Dutertes teiktais radīja sašutumu pret AIDS aktīvistu rindās. "Izskatās, ka prezidents ir pārāk norūpējies par baudas gūšanu," teica Filipīnu parlamenta locekle Riza Hontiverosa. "Nav nekā patīkama vai smieklīga faktā, ka pieaug saslimstība ar HIV un pusaudžu grūtniecība."
Avots: The Independent | «Philippines HIV cases soar 3,147% in 10 years as Duterte says condoms 'not satisfying'» | | Faced with sexual health crisis of epidemic proportions, Philippine President advises against using protection |
New cases of HIV in the Philippines have soared by 3,147 per cent in 10 just years, according to new research.
More than 11,000 cases were reported in 2017, a near 20 per cent increase on the 9,264 cases reported in 2016, according to data seen by Al Jazeera that was released by the Philippine Department of Health, .
The use of contraception has historically been frowned on in the majority Catholic country.
But in 2012, the health department reformed their reproductive health laws and started encouraging family planning and safe sex to reduce high rates of teen pregnancy in the country.
Despite the rise, President Rodrigo Duterte recently advised his countrymen to avoid using condoms because “it is not satisfying.”
Addressing a group of migrant workers, he then put a wrapped sweet in his mouth, adding: “Here, try eating it without unwrapping it. That’s what a condom is like.”
The comments were condemned by Human Rights Watch (HRW), which accused him of demonstrating “reckless disregard for the health of Filipinos.”
“Instead of criticising condoms as a pleasure inhibitor, Duterte should take meaningful action to protect the health of Filipinos by backing urgently needed policy changes to expand the accessibility and use of condoms in the Philippines,” the group said in a statement.


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