Vai kāds prasa, lai ASV samaksātu par AIDS un gripu?
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ASV valdības prasības, lai Ķīna izmaksā kompensāciju par koronavīrusa izplatīšanu visā pasaulē, ir nepamatotas, paudis ĶTR Ārlietu ministrijas pārstāvis Gens Šuans (Geng Shuang), ziņo Global Times.
Ķīnas diplomāts atzīmēja, ka ASV prasības par nepieciešamību izpētīt koronavīrusa parādīšanās faktu Ķīnā, kā arī, iespējams, pieprasīt, lai Ķīna izmaksā kompensāciju, ir absurdas.
«2009. gadā ASV parādījās H1N1 (gripas vīruss, kas izraisīja pandēmiju), kas izplatījās 214 valstīs un reģionos un bija gandrīz 200 000 cilvēku nāves cēlonis. Vai kāds pieprasīja, lai Amerika samaksā par to?» norādīja Gens Šuans.
Ķīnas Ārlietu ministrijas pārstāvis tāpat norādīja, ka AIDS parādījās tieši ASV un pēc tam izplatījās visā pasaulē, taču neviens tāpēc nesāka pieprasīt no ASV kompensāciju. Viņš arī pieminēja 2008. gada finanšu krīzi, ko ierosināja amerikāņu bankas Lehman Brothers krahs.
Pēc Ķīnas diplomāta domām, Amerikas valdības darbības ir mēģinājums novērst uzmanību no neveiksmēm cīņā ar koronavīrusu uz ārējo ienaidnieku Ķīnas veidolā.
Vēl jo vairāk, uzsvēra diplomāts, «vairumā gadījumu koronavīruss uz Ameriku tika importēts no Eiropas, nevis no Ķīnas».
Source: Global Times | «US has no authority to investigate China: experts» | |
<... China, like many other countries and regions in the world, was attacked by the virus, and it is not an accomplice, Geng Shuang, spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, told a press briefing on Monday. Faced with a major public health crisis, the global community should unite and work with each other. "I don't even remember when there was such a thing about holding others accountable or seeking compensa-tion," he said.
"In 2009, the H1N1 started in the US and spread to 214 countries and regions, causing nearly 200,000 deaths. Who asked the US to pay for their losses?" Geng asked. "In the 1980s, AIDS was first discovered in the US and later spread to the world. Who held the US accountable? And did anyone ask the US to bear the consequences of the financial turmoil in the US in 2008 and the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which eventually turned into a global financial crisis?" Geng added.
Some US officials also confirmed that a full-scale investigation has been launched to see whether the virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan, Fox News reported, citing several unnamed sources.
Trump came up with the idea of sending investigators to China after warning the country on Saturday that Beijing should face consequences if it was "knowingly re-sponsible" for the coronavirus pandemic, an apparent sign that the war of words is escalating between the two largest countries in the world.
"This is part of the US tactic to shift the blame to China, as the situation worsens in the US due to the lack of preparedness and due to the failed strategies to contain the spread," Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told the Global Times on Monday. ...>