Zinātnieki terapijas laikā pacienta organismā atraduši HIV slēptuves
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Beļģu zinātnieki atklājuši pacienta organismā vietas, kur slēpjas HIV ārstēšanas kursa laikā. Kad terapija tiek pārtraukta, vīruss iznāk no slēptuves un atkal nonāk asinīs, izraisot slimības saasināšanos. Zinātnieku pētījuma rezultāti publicēti žurnālā Cell Host and Microbe.
Paradoksāli, bet imūnšūnas, kurām ir jānomāc HIV aktivitāte, vienlaikus atbild par vīrusu rezervuāru veidošanos. Atklājuma svarīgākais aspekts ir tas, ka, novājinoties imunitātei, vīrusa izmešana notiek nevis no viena orgāna vai organisma daļas, bet no visām organisma sistēmām.
Tā ka zinātnieki ir iemācījušies kontrolēt mirkli, kad vīruss tiek iemests asinīs, tagad viņiem ir vieglāk noteikt rezervuāru atrašanās vietas, atzīmēts pētījuma ziņojumā.
Iepriekš grupa zinātnieku no Kanādas, Šveices, Lielbritānijas, Krievijas, ASV un Somijas atklājuši mehānismu, kas HIV padara nekaitīgu. Tas izpaužas tādējādi, ka pretvīrusa organiskie savienojumi, nonākot organismā, izmazgā cinku no vīrusa molekulām un šādā veidā dezaktivē to.
Source: Cell Host and Microbe | «HIV Rebound Is Predominantly Fueled by Genetically Identical Viral Expansions from Diverse Reservoirs» | https://www.cell.com/cell-host-microbe/pdfExtended/S1931-3128(19)30368-3 |
<... Highlights
HIV-1 sequences sampled from different reservoirs were compared to rebound viruses in 11 individuals
Rebound viruses can originate from various cellular and anatomical compartments
Cellular proliferation is an important driver of HIV persistence
Cure strategies should take into account the lack of a prominent HIV rebound origin
Viral rebound upon stopping combined antiretroviral therapy poses a major barrier toward an HIV cure. Cellular and anatomical sources responsible for reinitiating viral replication remain a subject of ardent debate, despite extensive research efforts. To unravel the source of rebounding viruses, we conducted a large-scale HIV-STAR (HIV-1 sequencing before analytical treatment interruption to identify the anatomically relevant HIV reservoir) clinical trial. We collected samples from 11 participants and compared the genetic composition of (pro)viruses collected under treatment from different cellular and anatomical compartments with that of plasma viruses sampled during analytical treatment interruption. We found a remarkably heterogeneous source of viral rebound. In addition, irrespective of the compartment or cell subset, genetically identical viral expansions played a significant role in viral rebound. Our study suggests that although there does not seem to be a primary source for rebound HIV, cellular proliferation is an important driver of HIV persistence and should therefore be considered in future curative strategies. ....>