Общество Объединение HIV.LV (ежедневно 9 - 21)


И для ВИЧ-инфицированных создано лекарство против гепатита С
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Исполнительный директор BIOTRON доктор Мишель Миллер назвал результаты проведенных работ беспрецедентными и выразил надежду на скорую коммерциализацию BIT225, отметив, что данный препарат будет весьма эффективен при лечении сочетанной инфекции ВИЧ / гепатит С.
Biotron managing director Dr Michelle Miller said data from the trial supported BIT225 as a potential new therapy for Hepatitis C, especially for patients with both HIV and Hepatitis C who typically had more serious Hepatitis C infection and fewer treatment options.
"Both HIV and HCV viruses present substantial challenges for treatment and represent multi-billion-dollar markets," Dr Miller said.
"We look forward to progressing commercialisation of BIT225 as a valuable new therapy that will work in combination with current and future treatment strategies."
Dr Miller said treatment including BIT225 could benefit patients in that it was more effective, required a shorter treatment time and was less expensive.
Read more at http://www.9news.com.au/national/2014/10/10/16/51/biotron-shares-soar-on-hep-c-data#LTVe8pMoJycCrCoM.99  


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