В США одобрена новая комбинированная терапия против гепатита С
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Американская компания Johnson&Johnson сообщила накануне, 5 ноября, о выдаче Управлением по контролю за пищевыми продуктами и лекарственными средствами США (FDA) разрешения на использование препарата Olysio в сочетании с Sovaldi (Gilead) для лечения пациентов с наиболее распространенной формой вируса гепатита С - генотипа 1. Как отмечает "Bloomberg", указанная комбинация способна заметно снизить риск возникновения побочных реакций у инфицированных в силу отсутствия необходимости использования в ходе терапии стандартных методов лечения, включая интерфероны. Стоимость 12-недельного курса Olysio осталась прежней - $66 тыс.
Источник: "J&J Wins U.S. Approval for Hepatitis C Combo With Gilead" | http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-11-05/j-j-wins-u-s-approval-for-hepatitis-c-combo-with-gilead.html |
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) won U.S. approval for its hepatitis C drug Olysio to be used in combination with Gilead Sciences Inc. (GILD)s Sovaldi, making it the second all-oral treatment available for the most common form of the virus.
The Food and Drug Administration cleared the once-daily treatment for patients with hepatitis C genotype 1, J&J said yesterday in a statement. The combination allows Olysio to be used without the standard therapies including interferon, an injection that sometimes has flu-like side effects.
The price of hepatitis C treatments has been criticized by insurers and lawmakers since Foster City, California-based Gileads Sovaldi was approved in December with an $84,000 price tag for a full course of treatment. The FDA on Oct. 10 cleared Gileads Harvoni, a once-daily pill that treats patients who have the most common form of the virus without using the older drugs. Harvoni has an estimated cost of $94,500 for 12 weeks.
J&J hasnt changed the $66,000 price for 12 weeks of therapy with Olysio since it was first cleared for use with older medicines in the U.S. a year ago, said Rebecca Tillet, a company spokeswoman. J&J plans to work with insurance companies and other payers to ensure it continues to provide access to patients, she said in a telephone interview.
There are a lot of different patients needs, she said. We think Olysio will play a meaningful role in that mix.